Voxel Defense

Move camera with WASD/EQ keys; rotate by left-click dragging; zoom with mousewheel.  Use LMB/RMB to place/cancel towers.  Hold Shift to place multiple.

This is a prototype tower defense game I made in the course of a summer while testing out / learning various programming design patterns.  The player can design and build the path that the enemies take in order to create the ultimate tower defense killbox.  However, the path will randomly branch at the end of the player's placement phase, forcing the player to adapt their plans to the game's whims.

The game has no end and no balance, but all systems except Achievements are/should be implemented and demonstrably working.

Further information available at onewinter.net.


VoxelDefense_win.zip 32 MB

Install instructions

Game will launch fullscreen.

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